Today started out as another super boring day stuck on top of a mountain. I think I need to move on to another farm. This just isn't my scene at all and it's making me a little crazy.
Thankfully we went to the river in the afternoon. That was really beautiful. Kinda of looked like Slide Rock. Then the most beautiful Italian man came from out of nowhere, got down to his speedo and laid about 3 feet from me. Just laid there in all his glory reading his book and sunbathing. Most of the men there were wearing speedos. This please me.
We spent the afternoon there and it was nice and all, but I still feel like I need to go. I specifically avoided contacting farms that said they were in remote areas. I can't imagine what they must be like since this farm does not consider itself remote. It's insanely beautiful, but there is just nothing here. There is a bar that sometimes opens in the evenings. And it's really just for old people to play cards. And there is a post office that is open two mornings a week. I think I need more stimulation than that. Or maybe I don't. Maybe I just need different people and a place where the energy is better. So stimulation in a differeny way. There is only so much reading and writing and meditating and yoga-ing and self discovering that one can do before they want to pull their hair out. Or maybe I am just a whiny little bitch who needs to put her foot in her mouth. Who knows.
Oh, and Gaia? I might murder her if I stay. So this is another reason to go. She creeps me the fuck out. Even when she sleeps she looks fucking creepy. I keep fearing I am going to wake up with her standing over my bed, speechless, with a big cleaver and chop my fucking head off. After we got back from the river I was able to take a shower. It's only cold water unless someone hikes up to get wood for the water heater. Anyway, Gaia comes into the bathroom in the middle of my delicious shower and took a fucking dump! I know she's five and has no concept of personal boundaries, but it was just so perfect. I already want to smack the crap out of her and then she comes in and shits. What a bitch.
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