We called down for a late check out and then Dad and I wandered out to find food. And where did we stumble? Crumbs! I was so psyched. I had read about this place. It had one of the most beautiful bakery displays I have ever seen. We took our treats back to the room and shared with Terra.
Then she did a BT sesh on me (Davina - you like that? Sesh? You are rubbing off on me. I can't be bothered to say whole words anymore). Some interesting stuff came up. She asked me a question and I gave her some answers, but none of the answers were 'it' so I kept schpieling off possible scenarios. The winning answer was that I was worried about this trip - worried that I would arrive and totally hate it and want to come right home and be humiliated. So we worked on letting that go :)
Then Terra left. Another goodbye. So weird. Can't I put her in my pocket and she could come??
Dad and I got the car. $58 a night to have it valet parked. I actually think this is quite a steal. Although it cost more to park than the actual 3 day rental. But eh....details.
We drove right through my old neighborhood in Queens:

Dad dropped me at JFK and I was way early and it was a fucking breeze. That is the way to go man. Wasn't like that last time I flew out of JFK to Italy!!
I had plenty of time to lounge around and call all of my special friends one last time, which is how I had planned it anyway.
I was still talking as I got settled in my seat and I think I may have said 'jerking off' a little too loud. Oh well.
The flight was great. I sat next to a really nice, quiet lady. I am always afraid of sitting next to bald chatty fat man. So I was relieved.
Here is something I wrote in my journal on the plane, I just thought it was funny:
'So the plane just took off. When am I going to feel different like everyone says? Maybe I won't. I thought I would feel different being someones wife, but I never did. I just felt like me. Then again all of the sudden I was someones wife. And then when I wasn't...I had to figure out who I was all over again. So I guess it kind of sneaks up on you. But now I have figured out who I am again. And I guess that kind of snuck up on me too. That probably doesn't make any sense at all. Oh well. I am on a plane to Italy right now. Weird....'
Plane food was the bomb. I watched Glee. I listened to my Italian book on CD. Then we landed. A 6 hour flight totally flew by.
From the plane window:
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