Today was the best day ever. I went to Central Park with my bag full of picnic food. And I found another perfect spot. I had my picnic, took a nap and woke up the cutest little family of ducks right next to me.
Then I met up with Terra!! We met at Whole Foods in Columbus Circle and then I took her back to my perfect spot and she climbed the tree.

Terra and I spent the day talking basically non stop while we wandered down 5th Avenue for 45 blocks. We were talking about love and relationships and what we wanted and where our lives were going and who we wanted to be with and what that looked like. We went into Trump Tower because that is my absolute favorite public bathroom. Then we went into Tiffany's and made a friend - Martin Joseph. We asked him what spot he would recommend checking out and he said Rockefeller Center. I can't walk by the Lindt store without going in and buying a hand full of my favorite chocolates so that was our next stop. And we continued to see insanely cute boys all day long. Well, I did. Terra's radar may not have been so strong.
We got on the train to go and meet my friend, Magda, for dinner and there was this super cute boy standing up not far from our seats. I pointed him out to Terra and then continued staring at him. She was laughing at my expression and said she wondered if we stared at someones crotch for long enough and sent enough energy to it if they would get a boner. I thought that was something we should try right that very second, but she was laughing too hard.
It's funny because I don't actually really want to talk to these boys, I just want to stare at them and gawk. And energetically give them boners.
We got off in Bedford, which Magda says is the newest coolest spot to hang out. She took us to Sea for dinner and it was amazing! It was very dark and there were lanterns hanging with red lights in them and candlelight on all the tables. There was a shallow rectangular shaped pond in the middle with beautiful wood boats filled with pink and white orchids floating in it. Terra and I shared the most delicious curry. I forget the name of it, but it was a sweet peanut sauce with corn, carrots, potatoes, onions and greens in it.
Then Magda led us to a park where there were lots of cute boys playing with all kinds of balls. There was also a jewish baseball league practicing. That was hilarious. I laid down one of my scarves and we all sat down in the grass and ate chocolate and scoped out more boys. Terra said "Hi!" to each (cute) one that walked by. Then we exchanged massages because our shoulders were aching from carrying our bags around all day. We were thankful for our strong bodies and our energy.
This is the three of us hanging out in the park.

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