Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 9 - Sunday May 30th

This morning we ate across the street at Pershing Cafe. It was actually really good. I was still feeling off so I just had a fruit smoothie, but it was the bomb. Terra met up with us and then we all rode up to Yankee Stadium together for the game.

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I swear, the shit you hear yelled and chanted from the stands at that stadium is like a fucking stand up comedy act. "Keep those balls comin douchebag!" "Asshole! (to a Cleveland Indian player) Your mother is a Yankee fan!!" "Get off your knees, you're blowing the game!!" Priceless. I love New York. And that new stadium has the coldest, most amazing drinking fountains ever.

Afterwards dad said Terra and I had to pick something out so we got matching pajama bottom shorts with the Yankees logo all over them. Fun! We headed back to the hotel and dropped off all our stuff. Then we went back out front and Terra asked the bellman "Where is the place where you can get the best pizza ever?" The dude said it's in the Bronx. She worded the question to include "within walking distance" and he directed us to John's Pizzeria. We got to the intersection where it was supposed to be, but it wasn't. We asked a cop and he didn't know. We asked hiim where the best pizza ever was and he said up in the Bronx. Guess we're gonna have to go to the fucking Bronx next time. Christ. Then dad said he saw someone with a John's Pizzeria box. Terra asked where and dad pointed the guy out. Terra ran and weaved through the crowd and found the person. She said "Where did you get that box from John's Pizzeria?" and they looked at her and said "Uh...John's Pizzeria." She said no, she meant like where is John's Pizzera. Duh. It was just another block down. And it was fabulous. We all shared a margharita pizza, spinach ravioli and chocolate gelato.

We headed back to the hotel and I was walking kind of funny, sort of hunched over like I was trying to be secretive for whatever reason. Terra said, ever so sweetly, "Honey, walk like you own it....not like you have to poo." This is the slogan for the rest of our lives.

We took some fun pictures in the lobby of the hotel:

Magda came by the hotel a little while later too and hung out for a bit. She wanted to see pictures of everyone at Care-A-Lot. We said our goodbyes, but not before doing another photo shoot in the lobby:

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Terra and I went back upstairs and she stayed the night and it was soooooooo fun.

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