Today I had very little sense of time. I don't remember what time it was when I woke up and headed to Union Square. It felt like I was there for a while, and it was great. The farmer's market was set up and it was so colorful and vibrant. I wanted to buy everything. Hanging baskets of flowers were everywhere. So were samples of "the sweetest early-in-the-season crop of strawberries ever" (according to the bald dude I bought them from). I also got cherry tomatoes to go with my hunk of cheese.
I went back to my perfect spot and laid down my scarf as a blanket. I napped when I was tired and ate when I was hungry. I wrote when I felt like. I zoned out and meditated and stared at people and did nothing. It was great. Then it got hot and my tree wasn't doing it for me anymore so I moved to Central Park and basically did the same thing. I went back to my pefect nap spot. And I napped. I love that I can nap in my old age. And I spent a lot of time just thinking. Thinking about how great it was that I was there and how lucky I was. And what brought me there and all of the seemingly random, but not random at all, events that all pieced together now. I remember thinking back in October that I "should" be freaking out with all that had happened. But I just wasn't. And I knew that it would all make sense eventually. I remember meditating and giving thanks and just knowing that one day I'd be able to look back on everything and say "Well if I hadn't (fill-in-the-blank with whatever unfortunate event) then I wouldn't be laying here on this feather pillow having jamba juice dripped into my mouth by a beautifully tan North Shore hottie". Or whatever. So then it got me thinking about all those instances in my life.
So for instance....if I hadn't taken that job at The Mercado Group I never would have met Alex. And had my heart severely broken. If I hadn't taken the new job at Best Software and had it suck so bad....if I hadn't wrecked my car....if the lease wasn't up on my apartment...then I never would have moved to New York. If I hadn't moved there then I wouldn't have been caught (by my boyfriend) blowing my ex boyfriend on a park bench. If I hadn't gotten caught then I wouldn't have gone back to Arizona for a visit and then missed my plane back to New York and then decided to just stay in Arizona. What if I didn't go back when I did? Would I not have met Bobby? What if we didn't fall in love and get married? And I didn't have that dream that prompted me to google birth and find the description of a doula and quit my foot-in-the-door job at the Arizona Republic to doula full-time? What if Bobby and I hadn't gone to Italy? Would we have ever found out about dual citizenship? Or even cared to know? If my love for Italy wasn't so deep I never would've stuck with the citizenship process. What if I had picked a different doula training and I hadn't met Kewal? What if Kewal hadn't prompted me for months to come down and try a class at the yoga studio she runs? Which led to me trying a class and buying a one year unlimited pass and falling in love with Kundalini Yoga and ultimately meeting Ross. What if I hadn't had a whirlwind relationship with Ross and got dumped in a really unfortunate moment? What if I hadn't ended my marriage and been looking for a place to live when I was? What if I had taken that other room I was looking at downtown right by the farmers market? It was fabulous. And I remember really going back and forth and wishing I could see into the future and see what was going to make me happy. What was it about David and his house that drew me in? What if I hadn't seen his ad? What if he hadn't responded to my inquiry? What if I had skipped that December doula meeting? Would I still have met Danielle? What if I hadn't taken her up on the body talk session? What if she hadn't asked me to lunch afterwards? What if she hadn't convinced me to go to the hot springs that first weekend? It's so crazy, right?
Anyway, eventually I was made aware of the time because Magda called and wanted to meet for dinner. I walked from the park over to Columbus Circle to use the bathroom in Border's. I stumbled into Keane doing a free live show inside Border's. It was so awesome because I had been listening to Keane's "Somewhere Only We Know" a ton that day on my IPOD. I love that song. He played like 5 songs from his new album. And then he closed with an old favorite...wait for it....Somewhere Only We Know! How cool is that?
Then I met Magda and she took me to Ara Caracas and we had some bangin Venezualen food. A sort of thick pita pocket filled with a big hunk of cheese, fried plantains and avacados. And coconut milkshakes for dessert! Yum!
P.S. - I look like a ree ree in this picture because I had just spilled a bunch of my shake all over my laugh right as this picture was taken.
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